
Dental Implants

General Dentists located in Hell’s Kitchen, New York, NY

Dental Implants

A stable foundation is crucial if you have one or more teeth missing and need crowns, bridges, or dentures. To ensure you have the support you need for a great smile, skilled general dentist Bradley Alvarez, DMD, and his team offer dental implants at Alvarez Smile Design in the Hell’s Kitchen neighborhood of Manhattan, New York. To learn more about this remarkable restorative dentistry procedure, call the New York City office or book an appointment with the team online today.

What are dental implants?

Dental implants act as replacements for natural tooth roots when you have one or more missing teeth. Your jaw relies on your tooth roots for stimulation, so losing your teeth can also cause your bone to diminish. This is called bone resorption, which can jeopardize your surrounding teeth.

Dental implants are posts surgically implanted in the jaw to provide the support and stimulation needed to protect your mouth’s health.

Are dental implants a good option for me?

Some reasons Alvarez Smile Design may recommend dental implants for you include:


Full or partial dentures help many people regain the ability to eat and speak, but some find it challenging to keep them from shifting out of place. Dental implants are stable and can help you speak more clearly and chew more comfortably.


Dental implants blend in with your smile. Because they also help prevent bone resorption, you don’t have to worry about your facial structure sagging from losing the underlying support.

Oral health

When you are missing teeth, the teeth on either side of a gap often shift out of place to compensate. This can create bite and alignment issues, increase the risk of decay, and cause your teeth to wear down unevenly. Dental implants prevent these issues by acting as stabilizers.


Dental implants are made of remarkably tough materials like titanium and can last for many years. With careful maintenance, your implants may last a lifetime.

How can I prepare for dental implants?

To complete the multi-step process, you’ll first have a consultation at Alvarez Smile Design to see if dental implant surgery is right for you. You can expect:

  • A thorough dental evaluation
  • Digital X-rays
  • Tooth removal, if necessary
  • Cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) scans

The team may recommend dietary modifications, along with quitting smoking and practicing good oral hygiene.

Ensure you have someone to take you home and look out for you after the surgery.

What can I expect after dental implant surgery?

It’s normal to require 6-12 weeks for recovery after receiving your implants. Once you’ve fully healed, the Alvarez Smile Design team customizes beautiful crowns or bridges and connects them to your implants, restoring your smile and tooth function.

To learn more about dental implants and schedule a consultation, contact the Alvarez Smile Design office today or book an appointment online.