
Emergency Dentistry

General Dentists located in Hell’s Kitchen, New York, NY

Emergency Dentistry

When you have a dental mishap, you need emergency dentistry you can trust. Experienced dentist Bradley Alvarez, DMD, and his team at Alvarez Smile Design in the Hell’s Kitchen neighborhood of Manhattan, New York, offer quick and compassionate care whether you have a knocked-out tooth, unexplained pain or swelling, or another issue requiring their help. To learn more about the emergency dentistry services available at the New York City office or to schedule an appointment, reach out by phone or online today.

What is emergency dentistry?

This dental specialty aims to provide you with prompt treatment when an issue arises that requires waiting for your regularly scheduled appointment time. The team at Alvarez Smile Design is known for excellent patient care and will listen carefully to your concerns so you can avoid permanent tooth damage and further complications.

What situations require emergency dentistry?

When unforeseen problems, pain, or trauma arise, you need professional guidance as quickly as possible. You might need emergency dentistry in the case of:

  • Soft tissue injuries, such as to your tongue, lips, or gums
  • Swelling or dental abscess
  • A broken or knocked-out tooth
  • Severe toothache or other pain in your mouth
  • Unexplained mouth bleeding

If your face swells, get in touch with the Alvarez Smile Design team as quickly as possible. They can schedule a prompt appointment or advise you if you need to go to the emergency room.

How can I protect my teeth until I get emergency dentistry care?

The Alvarez Smile Design team can instruct you on how to deal with your situation. For example:

Lost restoration

If you lose a filling or crown, contact the team quickly. Find the restoration, if possible, and bring it to the office with you. Your tooth will be more prone to irritation and pain, so avoid eating any sticky or hard foods.

Knocked-out tooth

Locate the tooth, if you can, and rinse it with water or milk. Be careful to avoid disturbing the tooth root. As soon as possible, slide the tooth back into its socket, root-side first.

The team will make every effort to preserve your tooth. If you can’t gently place the tooth back in the socket, transport it to the office in a container with saliva or milk to keep it from drying out.

Fractured tooth

Look for the fractured piece, rinse it in water or milk, and bring it to the team. If the remaining tooth is sharp, you can apply sugar-free gum to soften the area while you wait.


If you have an unexplained toothache, don’t just suffer in silence. Book an emergency dental appointment and apply a cold compress to the area to reduce swelling in the meantime.

To learn more about emergency dentistry at Alvarez Smile Design, call the office or reach out online today.