
Root Canals

General Dentists located in Hell’s Kitchen, New York, NY

Root Canals

Root canals may be generally dreaded, but this treatment can be crucial for your mouth’s health, and more than 40,000 occur every day. At Alvarez Smile Design in the Hell’s Kitchen neighborhood of Manhattan, New York, Bradley Alvarez, DMD, is particularly skilled in root canal therapy. With the help of his compassionate team, he can provide expert treatment to best protect your oral health and ease your pain. Call the New York City office to learn more about root canals at Alvarez Smile Design, or schedule your appointment online today.

How do I know if I need a root canal?

The team at Alvarez Smile Design will have to do a thorough oral examination to determine if a root canal is right for you; however, there are some tell-tale signs that you might benefit from one, such as:

  • Tooth discoloration
  • A swollen jaw or gums
  • Pain or sensitivity to cold or hot
  • A loose tooth
  • Nagging tooth pain

A root canal may be your best avenue to preserving your teeth and improving your quality of life, especially if tooth sensitivity makes it hard for you to eat or drink normally.

How do root canals help?

Root canal therapy stops the process of damaging decay in your tooth and preserves it, if at all possible. When the soft pulp at the center of your tooth becomes inflamed, it can begin to spread. This area comprises nerves and blood vessels, which can be painful and dangerous for you.

Root canal therapy removes the pulp to prevent further damage. This stops your pain, keeps you safe from complications, and helps you keep your tooth.

What can I expect during my root canal?

You may need to take anti-inflammatory medication or antibiotics leading up to your root canal to control the infection. Avoid smoking, and because your mouth will be numb after your appointment, try to eat a good meal beforehand. You can expect the procedure to take 30-60 minutes.

Once your mouth is numb, the team removes the infected pulp, rinses the tooth with an antiseptic solution to kill any lingering bacteria, and fills the tooth with a soft material to stabilize it. After this material dries, the team fits a temporary crown to your tooth to protect it until they complete your customized permanent crown.

What happens after my root canal?

Some swelling and increased tooth sensitivity are normal and should improve quickly. Be gentle with your tooth, especially while the temporary crown is on, and take any medication prescribed. Keep flossing and brushing your teeth daily.

To learn more about how root canals can relieve your pain, call the Alvarez Smile Design office or book an appointment online today.